Week of September 24, 2023

Relationship Reset: Community

Community is God’s idea because He is a God of community by nature. We look to Jesus and the way he models community. We cannot maintain super close relationships with everyone, but we can appreciate and support the community we have with everyone in our faith family.

Monday | Matthew 4:18-25

Jesus began His ministry by gathering a few people to walk with Him. He called a wide variety of people to journey with Him – from different walks of life. Who are the people who are journeying with you as you walk through this season of your life? As you reflect on the various personalities and types of people in your life, how do they add to the joys of your journey?

Tuesday | Luke 9:10-17

As Jesus went about His ministry, He would often engage the help of His disciples. The Feeding of the 5,000 is a story that all the Gospel writers shared – which makes it even more fascinating! How did He enlist the help of His disciples in this story? What was He teaching them about serving in His Kingdom? What do we learn from this story about the importance of working together to do ministry?

 Wednesday | Acts 2:42-47

This is Luke’s account of what happened in the early church after the Pentecost. The believers were all doing life together. What are the main things that the followers of Jesus were doing? How did these activities help build community and provide an atmosphere of joy and acceptance? How are you helping to make these activities a part of your faith journey? Are you actively pursuing community with others in the way that these early Christians were doing? What is one step you could take this week to begin this journey?

 Thursday | Mark 9:2-10

Jesus had an inner circle – Peter, James, and John with whom He spent extended personal time. He took them up the mountain and they had an incredible experience. What did they see and experience? How do you think this experience helped to form a bond with Jesus? What change do you notice as they are talking with Jesus as they are coming down the mountain? Have you had an experience in worship or a time with other believers that you felt changed your understanding of the majesty and glory of God? How does sharing Jesus with other believers give you energy for your faith journey?

 Friday | John 15:12-17

This is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. Jesus tells His disciples about His new commandment. What is the essence of this new commandment? What does it mean to you that Jesus calls you “Friend”? How does serving Jesus with other “friends” make the journey more enjoyable? Who are the friends that you enjoy serving with? Who can you invite to join you in your journey of faith?


Week of October 1, 2023


Week of September 24, 2023