Week of August 13, 2023

Monday | Ephesians 2:19-22 

Many people think first about “church’ as a building, but God says his church is a gathering of people. How does this imagery of “Living stones” which God is putting together like a building, speak to you about the nature of the church at large and about the nature of what we call Peace Church? How does one become a member of God’s church? How do you show that you are a member of His church?

Tuesday | Ephesians 3:8-12

What do these verses say about the significance of the church in God’s plans? In what ways are we doing the work of helping the world around us to see the mysteries and wisdom of God in Jesus Christ? How are you a part of that work?

Wednesday | Matt 16:13-20

The church is built by Jesus and belongs to Him. How do we make sure we live and function according to those truths? How might remembering these truths about Peace Church impact the way you evaluate our ministry? Reflecting on our current culture, what is the significance of the promise of Jesus, that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church? 

Thursday | Acts 2:42-47

This is an example of how the very early church functioned effectively, according to Jesus’ plan. What things do you think the church today is doing well in modeling after those early Christians? On what aspects of the early church do you think we could/should be placing a greater emphasis? 

Friday | 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Paul points out that God gives us gifts, and roles in which to serve together as His church. How is it helpful to recognize that God organizes his church in this way? How do we help each other discern our gifts and our roles? How can we better encourage each other to use our gifts to help the church do its work? 


Week of August 20, 2023


Week of August 6, 2023