Week of May 6, 2024

Naaman- Pride vs. Obedience 

So often in the history of Israel, Old Testament stories highlight the contrast between unfaithful behavior and extreme acts of faithfulness. In the period recorded in 2 Kings, there was much political, religious, and personal chaos, yet there were still those who honored God and fulfilled his purposes. Even more importantly, such stories show God’s extreme faithfulness to his promises even as His people turn away from Him. In this week’s story, God uses a slave, a pagan army commander, and a prophet to illustrate his grace and the blessings of obedience to Him.

Monday | 2 Kings 5:1-14 

In this account, we see Naaman’s doubt and God’s continued faithfulness. Think of a time in your life when what you wanted did not align with what God had in store for you. How did you cope with the mismatch of what you wanted to happen, and how God showed up? How are our ways different from God’s ways?  

Tuesday | 2 Kings 5:15—27 

What does it mean to be content? Do you see a lot of examples of people being content with what they have, or what they have been given? How did this lack of contentment lead Gehazi astray? What lesson does this give us about our lives? 

Wednesday | Mark 8:34-38; Psalm 131  

Following Jesus requires sacrifice. Our sacrifice pales in comparison to the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross, but it is still weighty. What sacrifices do you face in your walk with Jesus? Is there something Jesus is calling you away from in order to follow Him more fully? 

Thursday | 1 Peter 1:13-21;  James 4:13-17 

Where does obedience fit into your faith life? We know that we are not justified by works, but that our works are outcroppings of our faith. Knowing of God’s great power and might, how do we rely on our faith instead of our own works?  

Friday | Philippians 2:3-11 

We follow the example of Jesus. What things stand in the way of doing “nothing from selfish ambition or conceit” (v.3)? What does humility look like in your daily life and in your faith life? How can you practice humility to share the hope and restoration of Jesus with someone in your life? 


Week of May 13, 2024


Week of April 28, 2024