Week of November 5, 2023

Kingdom Expectations

We live in an era of overlapping kingdoms.  The Good News of Jesus is that through his ministry, death, and resurrection that God’s kingdom has already established a powerful beachhead in this world and in our own lives, guaranteeing eternal victory.  But still, we live in the kingdom of this evil world, still struggling with our own sins and not yet enjoying the full life of Jesus.  This week’s readings focus on living in God’s kingdom “now” and waiting on God’s kingdom “not yet.”

Monday | Luke 17:20-37

What signs of God’s Kingdom do you see in your family? In your neighborhood or workplace? How can you intentionally bring God’s Kingdom to someone today?

Tuesday | Matthew 4:17, 23-24; Luke 10:9-11

As you read these different verses, what did you learn about the Kingdom of God? What instruction does Jesus give when people do not graciously receive the message of God’s Kingdom? How do these verses encourage you to live out your faith?

Wednesday | Titus 2:11-14

According to the letter to Titus, what does the life of those who follow Jesus look like? How does God’s grace impact your life?

Thursday | Ephesians 2:1-10

Notice that in v.5 we have entered the new country of “Resurrection”. How does living together with Christ change the way we live? What does “we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (v.10) mean to you?

Friday | Colossians 3:1-14

What kinds of things have been taking up space in your mind these past few weeks? How can “setting your mind on things above” help shift your outlook on life? What new insights into God’s Kingdom have you gleaned from this past week’s Scripture studies?


Week of November 13, 2023


Week of October 29, 2023