May 19, 2022 - Deacon Meeting Minutes

Present: Cam Kalmon, John Reagan, Vince Maro, Anne Hartman, Chuck Falch, Kathy Sahlhoff, James Martin, Paul Weinke, Gail Graese, Bruce Winkler, Kristi Lambert

Ex officio: Mark Schulz, David Forke

Guests: Amy Kalmon (secretary pro tem)

Meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Cam Kalmon

1.      Devotion - Anne Hartman opened the meeting with prayer and devotions

2.     Consent Agenda

  1. April Minutes - no corrections or changes

  2. Finances

Summary review by Gail G. 

Anne H. moved to approve minutes and financials. Second by Chuck F. Motion carried

5.      Personnel Updates:

a.      Director of Operations (Pastor Mark)

Position Description is ready. It includes support staff management, campus management, human resources, and financial oversight. (Very similar to Cheryl Walker’s past role.) Terry will test this as a single position. It eliminates Jodi’s position and will move her to Administrative Assistant (Same pay, possibly slight reduction in hours). Still needs to go through Personnel Committee. 

b.      Worship Director (Pastor Mark)

Director of Worship Arts will oversee all worship services and teams in both venues. This Fall may require both venues operative during 9:30 hour. Position will include working with high school and youth musicians; greater involvement with Pro-Presenter (this task is currently with Sue’s position). Currently, Lynette performs Worship Director duties half-time. Likely will not be a called position but could be. Concordia Irvine is the only school that offers that training. This will go through Personnel Committee.

c.       Children's Ministry (Pastor David)

Slow go. Only three from 20 potential candidates are willing to be on the list. Two for sure are viable candidates. All commissioned DCEs. At paperwork reviewing stage. One Peace member may be a potential candidate. 

d.      Staff Performance reviews (Pastor Mark)

They are in progress and expect to complete all.

e.      Pastor Performance reviews (John R.)

Mark’s is complete. David’s is on Monday.

f.        Third pastor (Pastor Mark)

Budget does include a third pastor starting January 2023. Numerical indicators that have been used to justify adding a pastor in the past don’t work since Covid. There is a greater vacancy rate (lack of candidates) around the synod. Possibly link up with a church that has a vacancy and help resource the kingdom with Peace’s two current plus the new pastors. It would include a financial contribution from the partner church. Expects to have the partner church lined up at time of search for new pastor. Reminder to keep Mark’s exit in 2026 in mind. While it is possible, there is no guarantee the new pastor will move to lead pastor position at Peace. Would be great to get someone with five years’ experience.

6.    Nominating Committee: Bruce W.

Deacon at large /chair-elect. Gail G. and Kathy S. have offered to run. John Genskow and Mark Oldenburg are willing to be considered for Chair-Elect.

Per the By-Laws, the Chair-Elect needs to be one of current Board members. Alternatives: A new deacon can serve for a year as deacon at large and then become chair-elect the following year. Or we could ask congregation to make an exception at the congregational meeting to elect a new deacon as Chair-Elect.

Cam reported that in the past there were at least one or two instances when the congregation voted for Chair Elects without prior service on the board. Suggested to have a motion ahead of the election to deviate as such from the bylaws.

Kristi L. reported that Joe Tracy is willing to serve as Deacon. Openings have been advertised in the bulletin for several weeks.

Can have up to 12 Deacons and currently have 11. If Mark O. and John G. both run then whichever one doesn’t become Chair Elect still serve on the board and have one Deacon take on a spiritual focus. 

7.     Budget:

2022-23 budget review. John R. talked through a Peace Budget Summary and Peace Budget Proforma. Suggestion to mention to congregation the average monthly giving needed is $120k. Budget is ready to go but all Deacons are encouraged to go through it line by line. Impressive that it was pulled together so early and efficiently.

8.   Funding the Journey Update - Mark

Commitment pledges are to come in from May 15-22. Have received 70 pledges in so far. 

9.    Measuring Outcomes?

Mark asked the board how we should measure if Peace is fulfilling its mission. Seats filled and dollars received are not the only measures. Mark would like to set a measure of people doing daily Bible readings. What other measures can help discern? Groups participation? Worship attendance? Mission-oriented work? A possible survey where people self-report their spiritual practices. Other ideas: How often do you pray before meals? Do you pray with your kids? How often do you have a Christian conversation?

Mark commented the budget has an item for collaboration with JesusFit which includes an emphasis on families. Anne suggested having an event for families - possibly including a panel of parents who have raised their kids with a God-focus. (at a recent women’s event a request was made by younger women wanting mentoring). Comment that allowing people to be honest and frank about their lack of spiritual practices or lost practices is proof that people feel comfortable. Please send ideas to Mark. Gail G. suggested a system that allows sharing possibly through an app similar to exercise rings on apple watch or fitbit feedback. 

10.   Discuss new policies

Prior to the meeting Bruce sent out 1) Peace Lutheran Church Gift Agreement for Large Donations and 2) Request for Return of Donation Policy.

Anne H. moved to approve both policies. Second by Chuck F. Changed “Designee” to “Staff”. Motion carried.

11.     June 13 Staff / Deacon Lunch 

Anne H, Chuck F. and Bruce R. will attend. Anne H. will coordinate with Sue for meal purchase and pickup

12.    Dates Reminders

May 25 Special Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting June 22

13.   Round table 

Chuck - Operations: He plans to be present when roof is open and any damage is assessed. Endowment Fund: Redoing bylaws for Endowment Fund. The major change affects control of the Endowment Fund. The auditor advised that the Peace Board needs to be in charge of the Endowment Board. Pastors cannot vote so this board designates other voting members. One position needs to be Treasurer. This board can appoint any member of the Endowment Fund Board. Fund board may have three to five board members total.

The Endowment bylaws’ changes need to be approved by the congregation. Put on agenda for Annual Meeting. 

Bruce - have started working on policies.

James M. - Tech progress is slow. Struggling with schedules to get the team together. Staff is working on website with Jesse. Question on Sharepoint access- layers with permissions are causing difficulty. Different users see different things.

Vince and Kathy - meeting soon for Personnel Committee

Paul and Kristi - no report.

Anne - Missions no report. Member Engagement - Lori Briesmeister’s first call was to a former Stephen’s minister which was challenging as there were strong feelings expressed. Anne will coordinate to better identify members she should be contacting. Still working to figure out how to engage members. Positives: There have been more kids at church. Also women’s event attendance grew from 15 to 30. Third Saturday of every month will be women’s coffee and hang out at Peace. Suggestion that something similar be offered for men. Agreement that Men’s Ministry needs to reboot. 

14.  Closing prayer by Kristi L.

Motion to adjourn by Anne H. Seconded by Gail G.

Meeting adjourned at 9:17pm

Respectfully submitted, Amy Kalmon (secretary pro tem)


June 16, 2022 - Deacon Meeting Minutes


April 28, 2022 - Deacon Meeting Minutes