February 19, 2023 | Call Committee Minutes


☐ Anne Hartman ☒ Cam Kalmon ☒ Kamber Southworth ☒ Mark Schulz

☒ Anni Bjerke ☒ Jen Priem ☐ Kristi Lambert

☐ Jan Steiner ☒ John Genskow ☒ Mark Oldenberg

1. Opening Prayer

2. Minutes

a. No comments or questions.

3. Survey Results Review

a. We received a total of 281 responses with only 16 people under the age of 35 responding – that’s a good indicator of the group of people we should be reaching.

b. Most that responded were 50 and older and the majority leaned towards someone who is younger and a bonus if they have their own kids. Someone willing to be out in the community volunteering alongside our congregation and have Peace be out in the community.

c. Want someone who is approachable. A younger pastor will be more in the know of where to go and how to reach out for the church.

d. Their sermon may relate more to what is challenging kids today and how Jesus helps us. Typically, a pastor attracts people plus or minus 10 years of his own age.

i. Shouldn’t go too young, just out of seminary, so that we can grow with someone who has proven leadership attributes.

1. Someone who is already a second or third pastor at a larger congregation.

2. Someone who is a few years out leading a smaller church wanting to grow to a bigger church.

ii. Will they be willing to do leadership education and training?

1. Leadership academy that UW Stout. This is one week. It gives a perspective on learning styles.

2. The synod provides a mentoring program, but pastor Mark suggests looking elsewhere. Other churches – Bethel as an example. There are resources available, and we can decide which would be best.

3. This is a question to ask in the interview process.

4. Pastor Mark would like to find out what they have been learning as of late and what their disciplines are. How do you learn and grow?

e. Go back to having high schoolers be in charge of children’s messages.

f. Continue to include the music in the uploaded services on the website.

g. Feel some of the comments reflect our current staffing which we have filled since the survey was sent out.

h. Similar words from the comments:

i. Relational, outgoing, conversational, to be known.

i. Comments were made about the Pastors not knowing them in the congregation.

i. In the interview process ask the question – how would you get the congregation to know you?

j. Screening candidates:

i. What is the age range?

1. 35-45

ii. Do we want them to be married?

1. Feel we might miss out on good candidates if we make this a stipulation.

k. Need to balance the current need of a younger pastor to the needs of the church once Pastor Mark retires.

l. The committee was happy with the results but discussed asking for an additional push for the survey to cover elementary and middle school parents.

i. Ask Marlee and Allie to email the families with a link to the survey.

1. Cam to clear our existing responses to the survey so we can understand the survey results of this targeted group and will contact Kristin to reactivate the link.

a. Cam would like to have Marlee and Allie email out the link to their groups.

b. Get it out on Tuesday the 21st and have a deadline to complete by March 7th.

2. Pastor Mark to put this on his agenda to discuss with Allie when she is back on Tuesday. Maybe Allie could ask the high schoolers to complete the survey during the Wednesday meeting.

3. Have Marlee and Allie tweak the communications that will go out to their audience. To relay that we are specifically seeking their input and to please complete the survey.

m. Committee feels the survey results confirm the direction that the committee is wanting to go.

n. Add minutes to the website so that it is open for the congregation to view. Include the survey charts results also. Ask to also run a blurb in the Pulse informing the congregation where they can view the minutes and survey results. Tricia to reach out to Kristin with the survey results along with all of the meeting minutes thus far to post on the website. Cam to send to Tricia the order of importance from the survey.

4. Congregational Communication (Townhall)

a. Schedule a date

i. April 2nd – Pastoral call townhall

1. Anne to talk to Sue about getting this posted.

2. Pastor Mark to see if this was put on the schedule.

ii. Comment – someone commented that they don’t feel the church can financially support another Pastor on staff. Might want to address this during the town hall.

iii. Pastor Mark to reach out about congregational partnerships to help fund part of this additional position. Share the resources and expenses of that. Would need to negotiate what they would all be able to do (services, confirmation, calls).

iv. We need an infusion of youth.

1. There is a church in Menomonie and Boyceville without Pastors.

v. Let them know who is on the committee.

5. Job Description

a. Pastor Mark to follow up with the personnel committee to see if they were able to review this.

6. Call Materials

a. Congregational Self-study

i. Mark to send out to the committee.

b. Congregational Checklist

i. Mark included the email with the agenda.

7. Meeting Schedule

a. March 13th @ 7:00 PM

i. Discuss agenda for Townhall

ii. Start the profile

b. April 16th @ 11:30

8. Other business

9. Adjourn


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