Week of December 10, 2023

December 11-15  ReJOYce:  Tradition and Ritual  

The old saying is that human beings are creatures of habit … none providing greater meaning and joy than those traditions and rituals we make part of our most treasured holidays, especially Christmas. This week will take us back to those Jewish traditions and rituals that were part of the infant Jesus’ life: his circumcision and presentation at the Temple. This will lead us to reflect on those traditions and rituals which mark our lives as Jesus’ followers.

Monday | Luke 2:21-24

The rituals associated with Jesus’ birth are those that marked the lives of Torah-observant Jews: circumcision and naming on the 8th day and then dedication to the Lord as the first-born son. What was circumcision of male babies a sign of (see tomorrow’s reading)?  How did it in significant ways define Jesus’ identity? What was the importance of the name Jesus (see Matthew 1:21)?  How is Jesus emphasized in your Christmas traditions?

Tuesday | Genesis 17:1-11

God’s covenant with Abraham came about by God’s initiative with circumcision a sign of the response of Abraham and his descendants. What might it have meant to Abraham to bear God’s mark on his body? What does the word “covenant” mean to you? What ritual “marks” the lives of Jesus’ followers (see Acts 2:41)? What is your identity having received this “mark”? How does this identity impact the way you celebrate the holidays?

Wednesday | Deuteronomy 10:12-22

Clearly God’s desire for Israel went beyond male circumcision. What do you think Moses meant by the phrase “circumcise your hearts”? What was the outward behavior that was to give evidence of this change of mind and heart? What might be an aspect of your mind and heart that needs to be removed and replaced with the goodness of God?

Thursday | Ezekiel 36:24-28

This promise from God through the prophet Ezekiel looks forward to what He would do through Jesus and the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost.  What central Christian ritual is anticipated by the phrase “sprinkle clean water”? What is evidence in your life’s journey of God giving you a “new heart and a new spirit”? How do you give evidence of the Spirit’s work in the ways that you celebrate Advent and Christmas?

Friday | Ephesians 1:11-14

The outward mark of Jewish circumcision has been replaced by the inner seal of the Holy Spirit. What does it “feel like” to be chosen by God and marked by Him? How can such emotion feed into a spirit of celebration again this Christmas? How do you experience the Spirit’s presence and how does He confirm your faith? 


Week of December 17, 2023


Week of December 3, 2023