Week of December 17, 2023

December 18-22  ReJOYce:  Sights & Sounds 

This week we are focusing on the “Sights and Sounds” of the Christmas season. What are the sights and sounds that we look forward to experiencing each year? Why and how do they add joy to our Christmas season? Sometimes our traditions can become so routine to us, we forget that they may have a deeper spiritual meaning.  Or, they can become so important to us that they distract us from the true joy of Christmas. How can we take steps to use the sights and the sounds of the season to focus us on the true joy of Jesus, the baby born to save us?

Monday | Psalm 98

This Psalm encourages us to worship God through sounds—“news songs,”  “a joyful noise.”  What are the worshipful sounds of the season that draw your attention to Jesus? What songs will you sing or listen to that will center your heart in the joy of Jesus?  How can you make sure your home is filled with worshipful sounds this season?

Tuesday | Joshua 4:4-7

God’s people often made visible altars and other monuments as reminders of God’s saving work in their lives. How can your Christmas decorations memorialize the gift of Jesus, who came to save us from our sins? What decorations will you set up to remind yourself of the great joy in Jesus?  How might others see that Jesus is your joy this season?

Wednesday | Luke 2:8-18

Take some time to reflect on the sights and sounds of the first Christmas. Which of them stands out to you as special, as sounds of joy? How can the sights and sounds of your Christmas preparation and celebration remind you of the sights and sounds of the amazing nativity story?

Thursday | Colossians 3:12-17

How do these words speak to you, regarding your Christmas preparations and celebrations? As you reflect on the sights and sounds that you will take in and that you will put forth, consider how you can be doing it all in the name of Jesus. 

Friday | Psalm 24

We know that Jesus is the King of Glory, who deserves all honor and praise. This Christmas season, He would come into your home and into your heart in a new and fresh way. How will you open the gateway so that He may bring his glory and joy to you more fully this year?


Week of December 24, 2023


Week of December 10, 2023