Week of March 24, 2024

Crucifixion and Death

Peace invites you to do regular Bible reading as an essential practice in feeding your faith. Through the season of Lent and on through Easter, we will consider the climactic chapters of Luke’s Gospel as we walk with Jesus to Jerusalem, the cross, and the empty tomb. We will see him fulfill his mission of liberating humanity from sin and death. This Holy Week we will read and reflect on all four Gospel accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion. Come and see the Savior who has died for you!

Monday | 23:26-56

What is one thing that strikes you about Luke’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion? How does Luke portray the darkness of that day, physically and spiritually? Pastor Mark referred to the statements of Jesus on the cross as “points of light” in the middle of the darkness. Which of the statements is most meaningful to you? How does forgiveness matter to you? How does eternal hope matter to you? What does it mean for you to put your full trust in God?

Tuesday | Mark 15:21-47

What is one thing that strikes you about Mark’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion? Compare and contrast Mark’s account with that of Luke. Mark emphasizes the suffering, humiliation, and forsakenness of Jesus on the cross. How does this part of the story impact you emotionally? Spiritually? What has the crucifixion accomplished for us (see also Mark 10:45)? What is the significance of the Temple curtain being torn into two? Why might Mark and the other Gospel writers give attention to Jesus’ burial?

Wednesday | Matthew 27:32-61

What is one thing that strikes you about Matthew’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion? Compare and contrast Matthew’s account with that of Luke and Mark. Matthew gives us additional details as to what took place upon Jesus’ death. What meaning would you give to the earthquake? What did the resurrection of “many holy people” reveal about Jesus’ death? What did they anticipate? The Roman centurion and others concluded that Jesus’ death was not an ordinary one. What do you believe? 

Thursday | John 19:16b-42

What is one thing that strikes you about John’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion? Compare and contrast John’s account with that of Luke, Mark, and Matthew. Why is it so valuable to have all four Gospel accounts? Which do you find most compelling? The word translated as “It is finished” could also be translated as “Paid in full.” What has Jesus accomplished through his sacrificial death? What has been paid in full? How does that matter to you? 

Friday | 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

What was the clear focus of Paul’s Gospel message? What made the message of Jesus’ crucifixion seem like foolishness to many in the Apostle Paul’s day? What about in our day? What do you believe is the power of the cross? What do you believe is the wisdom of the cross? What difference has the Gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection made in your life?


Week of March 31, 2024


Week of March 17, 2024