Week of November 26, 2023

Monday | Luke 18:31-34

Jesus speaks of His death for the third time to His disciples. Why was it so hard for them to understand? How does Jesus’ suffering on the cross – His death and resurrection – for your sins make sense to you? How easy is it to take for granted what Jesus did for you? Spend time giving thanks for His sacrificial love.

Tuesday | Isaiah 29:9-14, 17-19

The people in Isaiah’s day, the people in Jesus’ day, the people today are often blinded by what’s in front of them. What is the cause of men and women not being able to hear and understand God’s truth? How can you know the truth of God’s Word and His heart? Pray that God gives you eyes to see and ears to hear.

Wednesday | Isaiah 42:16-19

God’s Word often uses the imagery of darkness and light to help us understand. How is God’s Word a light for you? Where does God’s light need to shine in your own life? Where does God’s light need to shine in our world today? Pray for God’s light to bring hope into our dark places.

Thursday | Luke 24:13-32

I love this Easter story!!! How did Jesus respond to their sadness in this story? What was it that finally opened their eyes to Jesus? How does remembering God’s Grand Story in Scripture bring light and hope into our sadness? Where do you need the light to shine in your own life?

Friday | Acts 26:12-18

What is the common theme in the Scriptures for this week? How does God’s light shining into Paul’s life change him? Change the world? How has your life been changed? Read v.18 again and make this verse a prayer for your own life.


Week of December 3, 2023


Week of November 19, 2023