Week of October 15, 2023

Monday | Luke 15:1-7

Have you ever found yourself in the role of the Pharisees in this parable – feeling entitled to a spot at the table? Or do you see yourself in the role of tax collectors and sinners – “unwelcome” at the table? Looking at verse 7, what should our goal as Christians be?   

Tuesday | Luke 15:8-10

What type of community is indicated by the woman calling together her friends and neighbors to celebrate the finding of the coin? How does your Christian community look this way, or how does it fail to look this way?

Wednesday, | Luke 15:11-32

Read through this section three times – once with the mindset of the Prodigal Son, once as the older brother, and once as the father. How do you see yourself in these different roles? Does this parable help you understand the unconditional love of God better? Is something holding you back from fully seeing that love?

Thursday | John 4:1-29

The woman at the well gives hope to anyone and everyone – no matter their circumstances. What things stand in the way for you to recognize the forgiveness in Jesus? Are there ways you are “blocking” others from reaching the well – from seeing Jesus?

Friday | John 7:53-8:11

What is surprising about how Jesus reacts to the woman caught in adultery? What was the expected response, and how did Jesus respond differently? What does that inspire us to do with the love of Jesus in our lives?


Week of October 22, 2023


Week of October 8, 2023